About us


We are the premier doctors' union in Kenya, and best among unions.

               OUR MISSION

 To unite doctors of all cadres for quality service, socio economic improvement, professional advancement and strengthen their collective bargaining power, to promote quality health care.

8K +






about kmpdu

Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU)

Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) was established in 2011 and registered on 30th August, 2011 as a Trade Union in Kenya under the provisions of the Labour Relations Act No. 14 of 2007 Laws of Kenya. The Union main mandate is to champion for the aspirations of doctors, healthcare workers and citizens in realization of healthcare as an inalienable human right to all. The members of KMPDU are drawn from the Doctors of Kenya where a doctor is defined as any person that holds at least a bachelor’s degree in either Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy or Dentistry from a recognized university.

KMPDU advocates for decent working conditions and terms for doctors of Kenya as well as improving the labour relations between doctors and their employers. KMPDU has been rallying healthcare stakeholders in Kenya to ensure provision of quality, affordable healthcare services to all Kenyans as a right and through public healthcare system. The Union is also a professional body that draws its members from a pool of qualified and licensed medical professionals.

KMPDU has 10 branches in all the 47 counties spread across the country with a membership of over 7,000 doctors. We work with both local and international organizations. Some of our partners, affiliates and associates include Central Organization of Trade Unions of Kenya (COTU-K), Public Service International (PSI), University of Witwatersrand (Wits), Global Labour University (GLU), University of Michigan, Fredrick Ebert Stiftung (FES), Solidarity Center, People’s Health Movement (PHM), People’s Vaccine, Amnesty International Kenya (AIK), Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA), Christian Aid Kenya, among other partners. The Union also have a close working relationship and collaboration with the professional associations: Kenya Medical Association (KMA), Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya (PSK), Kenya Dental Association (KDA), Kenya Medical Women’s Association (KMWA). The Union partners with both Kelin and Katiba Institute mainly for public litigation and this has really enhanced our civic responsibilities.

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