Preserving Lives, Preserving Dignity: Marching for a Healthier Kenya

As we gear up for the Peaceful Procession on the State of Health in Kenya scheduled for 12th September, it’s crucial to shed light on the pressing issues that have brought us together.

Unemployment and Underemployment of Doctors: Kenya’s medical fraternity is grappling with the challenge of unemployment and underemployment among doctors. This issue not only deprives these skilled professionals of meaningful employment but also denies our citizens access to the healthcare they deserve. We march to demand equal opportunities and dignified employment for our doctors and health workforce.

Better Terms of Employment: Our doctors are the backbone of the healthcare system, yet they often work under unfavorable conditions. We insist on better terms of employment that recognize their dedication and the critical role they play in safeguarding our health.

Deteriorating Healthcare System: Kenya’s healthcare system is facing a crisis. We have witnessed a steady deterioration in the quality of healthcare services provided, no drugs, no equipment, no reagents, and no functional amenities, leaving the overburdened doctors to only certify death.

Our march is a call to action for comprehensive reforms that will revitalize and strengthen our healthcare infrastructure.

Poor Working Conditions: Doctors and health workforce, both private and public hospitals, endure poor working conditions that hamper their ability to provide quality care. We demand improvements in these conditions to ensure that our healthcare heroes can serve with dedication and pride. We demand implementation of agreed collective bargaining agreements.

It’s crucial to recognize that the state of our healthcare system impacts every Kenyan, from the doctors on the front lines to the patients seeking care. By coming together on 12th September, we are sending a powerful message: we stand united for a healthier Kenya. Let’s work towards a healthcare system that benefits us all, where doctors are supported, and our citizens receive the care they deserve.

Thank you.

Yours in service.

Dr Davji Atellah

Secretary- General.


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