Ministry of Health – KENYA commits to the agreement made between itself, KMPDU and the Council of governors, issues posting letters to 889 medical interns.

Today the Ministry of Health – KENYA in committing to the agreement made between itself, KMPDU and the Council of governors, issued posting letters to 889 medical officer, pharmacists and dental officer interns.
We acknowledge and laud the Ministry’s effort towards ensuring industrial harmony in the sector and look forward to the posting of the remaining 200 officers within the financial year as promised. We are confident that the industrial disharmony that has been arising from delays & failure to post interns is now a thing of the past.
We believe that the 47 County governments and the MOH will continue to implement the other aspects of the 2017-2021 CBA as agreed as we continue working together as social partners to ensure that every Kenyan gets the highest attainable quality health care in all healthcare facilities across the country.

About the Author

Kevin Oyowe

Digital Health Advocate

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