More than 200 doctors from Nakuru county have issued a 21-day strike notice over poor working conditions in public hospitals across the county.


On the 2nd of September 2023, KMPDU officials led by National  Secretary -General -Dr Davji Atellah and South-Rift Branch officials gathered with Nakuru doctors to address the critical issues that continue to plague our healthcare system. The situation is dire, and the doctors cannot stay silent any longer.

In Nakuru’s hospitals, doctors are battling a deplorable state of healthcare provision. They find themselves without the necessary resources to save lives – with limited drugs, limited medical equipment, and a chronic shortage of lab reagents and essential medical supplies not forgetting the shortage of workforce leading to long working hours among doctors. All these limitations limit the doctors towards their main agenda of saving lives and giving hope to the despaired. Every day, memos about shortages circulate, painting a grim picture of our healthcare system

The SG pointed out that during political campaigns, the government of Nakuru promised better terms and support for our healthcare professionals. However, these promises remain unfulfilled. Instead, doctors have seen their salaries slashed by a staggering 30%, and some have been haphazardly dismissed from their positions. It’s a grave injustice that the union will not sit back and watch.

Adding to the woes, our dedicated consultants are trapped in despair and desperation, with no hope of promotions in sight. It’s a demoralizing situation that leaves them feeling undervalued and underappreciated.

We stand united in our demand for immediate action. We demand the promotion of doctors without delay, an end to the archaic and insufficient employment contracts, and a concerted effort to combat the severe unemployment crisis within the county.

Healthcare is not a matter of political rhetoric; it’s a matter of life and death for our residents. The union refuses to accept empty promises any longer. As a result, doctors have issued a 21-day strike notice to Nakuru County, set to commence on the 23rd of September 2023.

The union firmly believes that our political leaders must be held accountable for the promises they made to the people. The union will not sit back and watch its members and the nation at large suffer. The union is a symbol of hope and justice to its members and the healthcare system. It’s time for action, not words.
Everyone ought to know that a healthy nation is a wealthy nation.


We are stronger together.


Long live the Union

Dr. Davji Atellah
Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists’ Union.

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