KMPDU held a national Advisory Council meeting from 20th -22nd , August 2023, where the state of healthcare in the country was discussed.

10 years post devolution our assessment is that, Universal Health Care will remain a pipe dream if the government does not make 

deliberate attempts to make public healthcare work. Issues such as inadequate health workforce and medical supplies must be urgently addressed.

Over the past 10 years, the impact of devolution on healthcare in Kenya has been a subject of scrutiny. County governments struggle with resources and capacity to effectively manage the health sector.

It’s crucial for us to collectively retrace where we lost our way in providing public health services. Let’s analyze our health system through the lens of the World Health Organization’s six core components: service delivery, health workforce, information systems, access to medicines, financing, and leadership. As we reflect on the challenges collectively for a better healthcare future!

KMPDU’s position is that Universal healthcare remains a pipe dream unless the government start treating healthcare as an investment rather than a recurrent expenditure with a strong focus on Employment of healthcare workers.

About the Author

Evelyne Wanyonyi

Evelyne is passionate about Technology and Innovation.

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