Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
The KMPDU Nyanza BEC appreciates the Nyanza branch Members for the physical and virtual attendance in the just concluded Branch Annual General Meeting.
On 29th April 2023, KMPDU Nyanza Branch held her inaugural physical AGM at Grand Royal Swiss, Kisumu County.
The AGM came at the backdrop of mixed rating and feelings from members across the branch on how pressing issues were tackled through the 2022-2023 year.
During the AGM members critiqued and proposed alternative means of MOBILIZATION, ORGANIZATION and ADVOCACY to place the union at a vantage point.
We thank the members for invaluable insight.
The BEC will present a comprehensive report to members and from the attendees submit delegates to the upcoming ADC.
Thank you KMPDU Nyanza BEC and all the doctors.

About the Author

Evelyne Wanyonyi

Evelyne is passionate about Technology and Innovation.

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